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orange concrete wall with shadow
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Surjya Bajpayee

"Welcome to my practice! I am a dedicated Licensed Mental Health Counselor with a focus on supporting individuals across various life stages, including tweens, teens, and adults. I am proud to hold a Master's degree in Counseling from the esteemed University of North Dakota, and I am licensed to practice in the state of New York. My academic journey includes a Bachelor's degree in Psychology from the University of Calcutta. With over four years of experience in the field, I am committed to providing compassionate and effective mental health care to help individuals navigate life's challenges. Your well-being is my priority, and I look forward to the opportunity to support you on your journey to mental and emotional wellness."

I grew up in India and have always felt a strong connection to my community, and my roots. I'm dedicated to creating a safe space for self-discovery and healing. There's something truly magical about those moments in therapy when I witness someone release the heavy burden of self-judgment and self-blame that they've carried for far too long.

Counseling Psychologist MA, LMHC- New York



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New York State License No. : 014014

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3500+ Hours of Clinical Experience Globally

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Certified in CBT, DBT, Trauma Informed Care, ACT, Polyvagal Theory

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white printer paper on white surface
white printer paper on white surface
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Certified Graphologist

4+ Years of Experience