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white printer paper on white surface


The mental health journey for the LGBTQ community in India can be a bumpy ride. Facing societal judgments, stigma, and legal challenges, it's no surprise that stress, anxiety, and feelings of isolation can hit hard. The long battle against Section 377 added another layer of stress. Access to understanding healthcare and support can feel like a maze. But hey, change is on the horizon. We're in this together, navigating the twists and turns, creating safe spaces, and spreading awareness, because everyone deserves mental well-being, no matter who they are or who they love.

What to Expect in LGBTQ+ Therapy

The skills provided by an LGBT therapist that you can learn include:
  • How to handle and cope with coming out to one’s family

  • Building and expressing an “authentic” self-identity

  • How to manage depression, angst, and anxiety related to identity

  • How to treat substance abuse, as well as other mental health concerns

blue and yellow abstract painting
blue and yellow abstract painting

Once you've connected with a therapist, the first session in LGBTQ+ therapy is all about building a connection. You'll share a bit about your life, your goals, and your mental health journey.

This initial meeting, often covered in their paperwork, is where your therapists lay out their confidentiality policy and when they might need to break it. Feel free to ask any questions about their policies to ensure you're comfortable moving forward.

Your therapist will also fill you in on what to expect during the treatment process—explaining their therapeutic approaches, how they tackle certain topics, and more. They'll even help you prep for the time between sessions, whether that involves homework or relaxation exercises. It's all about making sure you're on the same page and ready for the journey ahead.